Something i enjoying doing outdoors

Hiiii!! Today I today talk about my output favourite, this is Hiking and picnic in places nature.

To me as a child always I liked it nature, the forests, the mountains, snows, in especially if they are both together snowy mountains but in Chile they have alone in the "Cordillera de los andes" or the andes mountain. 

My father forced me to walk to as many place as possible. He loves to walk and thank to he I visited several places. I travelled through various parts of southern Chile as a child thanks to him.

I remember once when I went trekking with my dad to a glacier, I have also been to the San Cristobal mountain sometimes for a walk.

I like hiking but I love to do picnic with my friends or my family, eating things delicious and talk all day in one place with nature. 

In this picture I am at a picnic with my friend


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